western honey bee honey bees 蜜蜂
deoiled peanut cake and cottonseed cake 脱油花生饼和棉籽饼
a land flowing with milk and honey 鱼米之乡
a land of milk and honey 鱼米之乡
A New Rosa Cultivar ’Honey’ 月季新品种‘蜜糖‘
acacia honey soaked white fungus 雪耳槐花蜜
Adulterated honey 搀假蜂蜜; 假蜂蜜
Algorithm of Fast Marriage in Honey Bees Optimization 快速蜂群优化算法; 拟完美序列
all flower honey 旋风静电除尘器; 离散傅里叶变换; 百花蜂蜜
American ginseng honey 西洋参密
American ginseng royal jelly honey 西洋参王浆蜜
Angelica drink made of honey and sesame oil 当归蜜香饮
apple honey 苹果蜜; 吲哚啉螺苯并噻喃(P)
artificial honey 人造蜂蜜; 人造蜂密
artificial insemination to honey bees 蜜蜂人工授精
bake with honey 蜜炙
Barbecued gourd in honey 蜜汁葫芦
Barbecued ham in honey 蜜汁火腿
Barbecued pork in honey 蜜汁叉烧